The Value Chain team is comprised of four people- James Akoko, Maurice Karani, Patrick Muinde (ILRI) and Pablo Alarcon (RVC) who have, since the last newsletter, been involved in quantitative data collection from retailers and livestock holders in Nairobi. The aim is to understand what are the livestock food systems in different areas of Nairobi, and what are the main food safety practices. We work closely with APHRC and the Department of Veterinary Services.

So far interviews have been carried out in three areas of the city, administering questionnaires to shop owners, retailers dealing with livestock and livestock products (Table 1) and ani-mal owners. Work in other areas of the value chains is ongoing.

 Table 1. Retailers visited as from the 10th of February 2014.

Value chain update table

The Zoonotic and Emerging Disease group studies a range of epidemiological issues revolving around the domestic livestock, wildlife and human interface

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