Surveillance of Zoonoses in livestock and humans: a note from the post-doc

Public engagement session in one of our sampling sites
We then expanded our sampling by including cattle, small ruminants and pigs that are taken for slaughter at selected slaughterhouses and slaughter slabs in the surroundings of the included livestock markets. Concurrently, we are also sampling outpatients at the three County referral hospitals and other selected health centres in the study area. All collected biological samples are processed and tested for fifteen selected zoonotic diseases at our field lab in Busia. Some of the animal samples shall also be used for genetic studies to identify changes in breeds as farming systems intensify over time.
We are all looking forward to working and learning together during our ZooLinK journey!

This article was authored by Dr Laura Falzon who is the Post-doctoral scientist (surveillance component) in the ZooLinK suite of projects.

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