Our own “latest news” can be found on our home page while the other news, events and other postings ” can be found on our blog page, as well as on our Twitter feed (@ZoonoticDisease).  In addition, various media-related links to our work appear on other institutional websites, including:Busia [Media crew]
The Catalyst Programme on Australia’s ABC television station released a programme in March 2011 featuring our work on zoonoses in Western Kenya.  View the video under the video gallery section below titled “Catalyst video featured in ABC television” You can also view the video as posted in the ABC television website by clicking here.

RSS Biosciences News

  • We respect your privacy May 24, 2018
    The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on 25 May 2018. To comply with this new regulation and ensure our privacy standards reflect the highest possible levels of protection for your data, we would like to share our new privacy statement with you, and offer you an opportunity to unsubscribe from […]
  • Badass Chinese sheep quickly evolved adaptations to extreme plateau and desert environments—New study March 29, 2017
    Originally posted on ILRI news: Native Chinese sheep breeds, one of which is seen here grazing on the Tibetan Plateau, are serving as a climate change bellwether (photo credit: CRIENGLISH.com). To paraphrase Luigi Guarino in his new and lively Science Blog series for the Crop Trust, with food demand estimated to increase by anywhere from…
Prof. Eric introducing ZED
Prof. Tom introducing IGH
Featuring PAZ project
Dr. Smith introducing ILRI
PAZ Featured in Catlysts TV

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