Live Market
The Economic Thread has two aims: (1) To describe, map and understand the livestock value chains operating in the city of Nairobi and (2) to explore the possible hazards for emergence of foodborne zoonotic pathogens existing on those chains and peoples’ perception towards risks. Data are being collected for a qualitative analysis (through focus groups or interviews with key people in the chain) and quantitative analysis (individual interview with a sample of people of each group, such as transporters). Field work has been conducted by Maurice Karini (research assistant), Patrick Muinde (research assistant), James Akoko (field coordinator), Matilda Brink (MSc student from Uppsala, Sweden), Dishon Mwongela (MSc student), Greg Awanda (MSc student), Stella Kiambi (PhD student) and Pablo Alarcon (post‐doctoral research fellow). Tools for data collection were created in collaboration with Dr. Ruth Rushton (psychologist), Professor Eric Fevre (epidemiologist and PI of the Urban Zoo project) and Professor Jonathan Rushton (economist and PI of the economic thread).
To date, data from four major informal markets have been collected. The market areas visited have been: Kiserian market; Dagoretti market; Kiamaiko market and Burma market In total, 34 focus groups and 133 individual interviews have been conducted involving meat inspectors, pastoralists, livestock traders, meat traders, abattoir/market owners, city council officers, livestock transporters, meat transporters, fillet traders, skin traders, abattoir workers, offal traders and poultry traders. Qualitative data has been entered for its analysis and data sets, for the quantitative data, have been created. Currently, a report is being produced.
The next phase of the value chain investigation will begin in November. It includes visiting all the different types of retailers and livestock holders in the areas selected for the Urban Zoo project. Protocols for this phase will be piloted in Dagoretti and Korogocho area. In addition, contact with the major livestock and retailer companies will also be done. Finally, it is important to mention that a new PhD student (Stella Kiambi) has been recruited to investigate the Dairy value chain in Nairobi.
Overall good progress has been done and the value chain team look forward to present some of the results to the group in the next big project meeting in November.
Pablo Alarcon, James Akoko, Maurice Karani, Patrick Muinde, Ruth Rushton, Jonathan Rushton
The Zoonotic and Emerging Disease group studies a range of epidemiological issues revolving around the domestic livestock, wildlife and human interface
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