African dairy value chain workshop –Nairobi

On 23rd and 24th of October 2014, the value chain team (Patrick Muinde, Maurice Karani, James Akoko, Dishon Muloi and Stella Kiambi) attended the African dairy value chain workshop held at Intercontinental Hotel in Nairobi. The objective of the workshop was to share the experienc-es and lessons learnt from existing dairy value chain devel-opment models. The workshops had three main themes namely gender inclusiveness, smallholder participation and private sector investment in the dairy industry. The participants were of different nationalities but mainly drawn from African countries.

Stella Kiambi made an oral presentation on the challenges she has faced during her study on mapping of dairy milk value chain in urban and peri urban Nairobi

 African dairy value chain workshop –Nairobi

While Dishon Muloi made a poster presentation on the lessons learnt from his study on mapping the camel milk value chain in Kenya.

 African dairy value chain workshop –Nairobi2

James Akoko, pictured below, also gave a small talk on dairy goats

 African dairy value chain workshop –Nairobi3












(For more information see

 10th ESADA Conference held in Nairobi

On 25th of October we attended the 10th Eastern and Southern Dairy Association African dairy experience conference held in Nairobi. There were more than 150 exhibitors from various countries, the theme was discovering African dairy and refreshing mindsets. We were able to appreciate some emerging practices in dairy value chains from the presentations and the exhibitions showcased. During both events we made vital connections with the participants. For more information on the programme use the link :

The Global Food Safety Partnership Workshop

Dishon and Stella took part in a Global Food Safety Partnership work-shop held at ILRI on Kenya 3rd of November whose main aim was im-proving food safety on-farm to enhance supply chain linkages and con-sumer product safety. The workshop articulated the need for an inte-grated approach in tackling food safety concerns associated with milk and the necessity to develop novel technologies geared towards con-fronting the food safety issues raised. A report of the meeting will be available on the ILRI website in the coming months.

 WHO neglected zoonotic diseases meeting

 From 19–20th November 2014 our team was represented at the 4th International meeting on the control of Neglected Zoonotic Diseases:

"From Advocacy to Action", held at the Geneva Headquarters of the World Health Organization (WHO). This was the latest of a series of tripartite meetings between WHO, The Food and Agriculture Organiza-tion (FAO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), starting in 2005, to raise the profile of neglected zoonotic diseases at an inter-national level, and aimed to highlight successes in NZD control and build confidence in policy makers that the approaches outlined for going forward are the right pathways to take. Several countries were represented at Ministerial Level, and it was emphasised that NZD control, from WHO’s perspective, will fit within the wider context of the Roadmap for Neglected Diseases endorsed by the organisation’s World Health Assembly. Over the last 10 years, significant advances have been made scientifically and in terms of advocacy for neglected zoonotic disease control. A report of the meeting will be available in the coming months.

Logos [OiE-FO-WHO]

The Zoonotic and Emerging Disease group studies a range of epidemiological issues revolving around the domestic livestock, wildlife and human interface


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