Profile of Theme

The “One Health” paradigm recognises the relationship between the health of people, animals and the environment. In order to tackle One Health issues interdisciplinary research is required to understand the epidemiology of disease in different environments; the social and economic determinants of health; the role of genetics in disease; and the interactions between people, animals and the changing environment.

Enviornement_disease themeHuman, animal and environmental health issues are likely to be exacerbated in the future by globalisation, increasing population, urbanisation, climate change, changing agricultural practices, and agricultural intensification. In order to tackle One Health issues programmes require a focus on:

  • Education of health professionals to recognise, diagnose and treat disease
  • Surveillance of disease in animals and people particularly identifying risk populations
  • Epidemiology research regarding the burden of disease
  • Developing new technologies to diagnose, treat and prevent disease
  • Communication between stakeholders and decision makers to increase awareness
  • Integrated control programmes to reduce disease in people and animals

We are involved in a number of projects that investigate the epidemiology of disease in people, animals and the environment. Our recently launched Zoolink project will focus on zoonotic disease surveillance, education of stakeholders and communication to develop effective intervention strategies.

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