Safe Pork 2015
Dates: 7th to 10th, Sepetember 2015
Venue: Porto Portugal
Programme: topics of relevance for the sector Current scientific and policy questions will be discussed at the conference. The programme is based on the presentation of abstracts submitted. We will have 3 keynote speakers and a round table discussion about the use of antimicrobials at production level. The conference will facilitate interaction with specialists and policy makers from all over the world in the food safety area. The main topics are:
1. The “One Health” and “Eco Health” concepts and their impact on Global Trade issues.
2. Control strategies to mitigate foodborne pathogens at pre-harvest, harvest and post-harvest level (including costs and benefits).
3. Diagnosis and detection of swine zoonotic diseases and pork hazards (microbial and chemicals /residues).
4. Antimicrobials in swine production, antimicrobial resistance, alternative strategies to antimicrobial use.
5. Meat Inspection, quality, hygiene, safety and preservation (including the effects of animal welfare).
6. Risk Assessment and risk communication of foodborne pathogens.
7. Epidemiology of infection / control and mitigation options of foodborne pathogens and zoonotic diseases (including monitoring and surveillance) in the pork production chain.
To know more visit the conference website: Click here