Nicola Wardrop
Former PhD student (CID)
Nicola Wardrop (previously Batchelor) has a background in microbiology and epidemiology. She completed a BSc in Medical Microbiology at the University of Edinburgh and an MSc in Control of Infectious Diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, before working for the Health Protection Agency as an Epidemiology and Surveillance Analyst. In 2006 she moved into her PhD research, which was a collaborative project between the University of Edinburgh and the University of Southampton. Her PhD focussed on the application of spatial analysis and modelling methods to the epidemiology of Rhodesian sleeping sickness in Uganda, and included substantial fieldwork activities as well as laboratory analysis, GIS, statistics and modelling.
Following the successful completion of her PhD, Nicola was employed as a Post-doctorate Research Fellow jointly between the University of Southampton (School of Geography) and the University of Edinburgh (biomedical sciences).
Nicola’s research interests lie in the application of spatial analysis and geostatistical modelling to epidemiological problems. Her current research plans include the novel application of geostatistical modelling methods to the analysis of zoonotic sleeping sickness in Uganda to provide further understanding of the heterogeneous spatial distribution of disease in both humans and livestock, to quantify the spill-over relationship from reservoir populations to humans and to provide information to support sleeping sickness control activities.
Main research interests: the application of spatial and geostatistical methods to epidemioloy; specifically to vector-borne and tropical disease epidemiology.
At the ZED group she was a joint PhD student (with P. Atkinson, University of Southampton and S.C. Welburn, CID) until 2010), undertaking a study on the spatial epidemiology of sleeping sickness.
Want to know about Nicola, visit this page