Case-control Study
The case‐control study aims to investigate the causation and risk factors for diarrhoea in children under 5 in two low income settlements in Nairobi. The study is nested in a long‐term cohort called NUHDSS (Nairobi Urban Health Demographic Surveillance System) run by the African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC). Children reporting diarrhoea within the last 3 days are selected as cases as well as 2 matching controls who do not have diarrhoea. Data on socio‐demographic characteristics of the household, livestock keeping and contact, access to water and sanitation, hygiene practices, nutritional and breast‐feeding status of the children in both groups are collected by trained field interviewers.
Two clinical officers are part of the team. They assess the severity of the diarrhoea for each case included and are also involved in the treatment of any sick children. Stool samples from each child included in the study are also collected and sent to the lab at KEMRI (Kenya Medical Research Institute) for parasitological, virological and bacteriological analyses. In addition, drinking water and food is sampled from each household and are sent to the lab at the University of Nairobi for analysis.
The study, which was piloted in July 2013, started in earnest in early September 2013 and 63 cases and 127 controls have been included so far. We would like to thank all our partners for their commitment and great work in the field, including KEMRI and the African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC).
Article by: Laure Madé

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