TAWIRI 2017 Conference

The Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) is pleased to announce registration for the 11th TAWIRI Scientific Conference that will be held at the Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) in Arusha, Tanzania from 6-8 December 2017.

Conference Theme: ‘People, Livestock and Climate change: Challenges for sustainable biodiversity conservation’

Conference Sub-Themes:

  • Impact of livestock, human population and climate change on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services
  • Wildlife ecology and ecological interactions
  • Wetland and water resources management
  • Wildlife diseases and ecosystem health
  • Beekeeping development, technology and innovation

For further information please visit the conference website: http://tawiri.or.tz/resources/conference/

International Conference on Research for development (ICRD) 2017

ICRD 2017 is the fourth in the conference series. Its umbrella theme this year is “Evidence. Engagement. Policies.”. ICRD 2017 will be co-hosted by the Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d programme) and by the University of Bern’s Centre for Development and Environment (CDE).

ICRD 2017 has the following specific goals:

  • to stimulate scientific debate on current research topics of global sustainable development;
  • to establish and intensify dialogue between science, policy, and practice for enhancing research for development and promotion of more evidence-based development cooperation;
  • to strengthen networks of transnational, inter- and transdisciplinary research partnerships for global sustainable development;
  • to provide space for efforts to begin synthesizing the five thematic areas of the r4d programme (social conflicts, employment, food security, ecosystems, and public health), which reflect the priority areas of Swiss international development cooperation.

Please visit the conference for further details: https://www.icrd.ch/

26th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology

The 26th International conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology will be held in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia in conjunction with the 53rd Malaysian Society of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine Annual Conference as from 4-8 September 2017.

For more details please visit the conference website at: http://www.waavp2017kl.org/

33rd World Veterinary Congress to be held from Aug 27-31 2017 in Incheon, Korea.

The 33rd World Veterinary Congress aims at promoting and raising awareness about ONE HEALTH, an emerging concept that encompasses the health of humans, animals, and their environment, across the globe as well as sharing NEW TECHNOLOGIES in all disciplines of clinical veterinary medicine and creating a new trend in the field.

  • Review the latest basic and clinical investigations to guide on how to manage animals optimally.
  • Integrate the newest interventional techniques and devices related to animal care.
  • Learn numerous treatment strategies through reviewing diverse challenging cases submitted from all around the world and discussing with the world renowned experts.

For more details please visit the conference website at: http://wvc2017korea.com/01_congress_info/congress_info02.htm

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