Integrated studies on the emergence of zoonoses in urban settings

Webinar: Integrated studies on the emergence of zoonoses in urban settings 

Nairobi is an exemplar of a modern sub-Saharan metropolis, intimately connected to its hinterland and experiencing rapid population growth.  This growth drives the creation of complex human, animal and environmental interfaces, which present risks for the emergence of pathogens that spread between animals and people.  In this lecture, our interdisciplinary approach to understanding this complexity will be outlined, illustrating the value in integrating planning, biology, food system economics, pathogen genetics and public health.


Prof. Eric Fevre

Speaker profile

Prof. Eric Fevre

Eric Fèvre is Jointly appointed between the University of Liverpool where he is Professor of Veterinary Infectious Diseases and the International Livestock Research Institute in Kenya.  He manages a range of field-orientated projects researching disease transmission and control at the interface between animals and human beings.  His research team is a grouping of epidemiologists, ecologists, biologists, veterinarians and medical practitioners interested in the biology and control of (re-)emerging diseases.  The group conducts field studies to acquire a wider understanding of pathogen epidemiology to inform policy on optimal and cost-effective methods of disease control.  He is an epidemiologist whose work is focussed on understanding the interface between humans, other animals and the environment, and understanding the mechanisms and risks of disease transmission across this interface.  He has been working with colleagues at the DPU since 2013.

Tenth EDCTP Forum | Mozambique, 18-21 October 2020

The Tenth EDCTP Forum will be held at the Joaquim Chissano International Conference Centre in Maputo, Mozambique from 18-21 October 2020.

The biennial EDCTP Forum provides an international platform for the presentation and discussion of clinical studies for everyone involved in combating poverty-related diseases and the appropriate capacity development and networking activities. The Forum has established itself as a valuable opportunity to develop and reinforce cooperation and synergy among the EDCTP Association stakeholders at various levels including scientific and policy. Scientists involved in EDCTP2-funded projects are particularly encouraged to use this opportunity to share new developments and results from their projects.

The Tenth EDCTP Forum will take place in 2020 in Mozambique.

Trypanosomatid Parasites Meeting VI: from the lab to the field

When: 28-29 October 2019
Where: Auditorium Jacques Monod at the Institut Pasteur in Paris!

In order to cover a large panel of research topics, a total of 6 sessions are planned. Each session will be composed of an invited keynote presentation followed by 4 selected talks:

  • Epidemiology, Public Health and Epistemology: Marleen BOELAERT (ITM, Antwerp, Belgium)
  • Diagnosis, Drug and Vaccine Development: Veerle LEJON (IRD, Montpellier, France)
  • Ecology and Medical Entomology: Steve TOR (LSTM, Liverpool, UK)
  • Immunology and Physiology: Guy CALJON (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
  • Cell Biology and Metabolism: Dolorez GONZALEZ PACANOWSKA (Instituto de Parasitología y Biomedicina, Granada, Spain)
  • Genetics and Evolution: Virginie ROUGERON (IRD, Montpellier, France)

Register here:

TAWIRI 2017 Conference

The Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) is pleased to announce registration for the 11th TAWIRI Scientific Conference that will be held at the Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) in Arusha, Tanzania from 6-8 December 2017.

Conference Theme: ‘People, Livestock and Climate change: Challenges for sustainable biodiversity conservation’

Conference Sub-Themes:

  • Impact of livestock, human population and climate change on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services
  • Wildlife ecology and ecological interactions
  • Wetland and water resources management
  • Wildlife diseases and ecosystem health
  • Beekeeping development, technology and innovation

For further information please visit the conference website:

International Conference on Research for development (ICRD) 2017

ICRD 2017 is the fourth in the conference series. Its umbrella theme this year is “Evidence. Engagement. Policies.”. ICRD 2017 will be co-hosted by the Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d programme) and by the University of Bern’s Centre for Development and Environment (CDE).

ICRD 2017 has the following specific goals:

  • to stimulate scientific debate on current research topics of global sustainable development;
  • to establish and intensify dialogue between science, policy, and practice for enhancing research for development and promotion of more evidence-based development cooperation;
  • to strengthen networks of transnational, inter- and transdisciplinary research partnerships for global sustainable development;
  • to provide space for efforts to begin synthesizing the five thematic areas of the r4d programme (social conflicts, employment, food security, ecosystems, and public health), which reflect the priority areas of Swiss international development cooperation.

Please visit the conference for further details:

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