Latest Posts, News & Events
- Integrated studies on the emergence of zoonoses in urban settings November 4, 2020
- Covid-19 Kenya situation dashboard April 14, 2020
- Tenth EDCTP Forum | Mozambique, 18-21 October 2020 February 6, 2020
- All you need to know about the novel 2019 coronavirus February 6, 2020
- Trypanosomatid Parasites Meeting VI: from the lab to the field April 16, 2019
- Letter from the Co-Principal Investigator: Prof Mark Woolhouse December 5, 2018
- Surveillance of zoonoses in livestock and humans: experiences from AHITI interns cohort 5 September 24, 2018
- Establishing a serum bank of samples from confirmed cysticercosis positive and negative pigs September 19, 2018
- Surveillance of Zoonoses in livestock and humans: a note from the post-doc September 17, 2018
- 2 Post-doctoral Research Associate positions in One Health Regional Network (HORN) in Kenya June 1, 2018
Our Work in Pictures
- Sampling a goat in periurban Nairobi
- Nairobi's main water treatment centre
- Camel milk delivery in Isiolo
- Camel nasal swab
- Giemsa staining for blood parasites
- Urban poultry & rabbit farming in Nairobi
- Uganda bodaboda with a cow
- Microbial melting pot
- Wildlife Domestic Waste Interface
- 99 Household Study: Scarlet-chested sunbird
- Extracting RNA&DNA from bat lung tissue
- Large scale poultry production system
- RBT test
- High yielding dairy cattle in Kenya aberdare ranges
- Pig point
- Bovine liver from slaughterhouses
- Assessing nutritional status in rural high burden diseases areas
- Dog suckles piglet and pups
- Neurocysticercosis sampling in Western Kenya
- Balloon mapping
- Biconical tsetse trap
- PAZ animal weighing
- Sampling Chaerophon
- Transporting free range pigs to slaughterhouse
- Pig lingual exam for NTDs
- Sign point to ZELS lab in Busia
- PAZ project feedback to regional practitioners & decision makers
- Brown eared ticks [R. appendiculatus]
- Coliform counts in culture milk
- Camel milk ring testing
- 99 Household Study: Fruit bat
- 99 Household Study: Syke monkey
- PAZ pig near a latrine
- DNA & RNA extraction from bat organ tissues
- Trypanosomes WHO meeting on eliminating gHAT
- Bovine postmortem
- Coliform counting in cultured milk
- Meat retail point
- Sampling peridomestic envornment using boot socks
- Free range pig
- Low income settlement dairy production
- Elephants at Kruger national park